清潔指南 Cleaning Guidelines


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  1. 需要清理主堂 垃圾,单张,圣餐杯等 ;
  2. 需要用吸尘器,清理教会一楼的地毯:
    1. 包括:主堂,玄关,通往楼下的过道(所有地毯部分);
  3. 扫地:主堂之间的地板部分


  1. 扫地 + 拖地
  2. 清理垃圾



  1. 桌椅:所有椅子折好放在桌上
  2. 扫地 + 拖地
  3. 清理垃圾


  1. 扫地 + 拖地
  2. 清理垃圾


  1. 扫地 + 拖地
  2. 水台清理
    1. 咖啡/茶壶清洁
    2. 零食清洁





  1. 需要检查厕所,纸张是否够用,马桶是否堵塞
  2. 清洁马桶周围和地上的污渍
  3. 清洁窗台上的灰层
  4. 所有垃圾倒入大垃圾桶
  5. 拖地





After-meeting Cleanup – Standard v3.1


[Main Sanctuary]

1. Clean up Main Sanctuary, pick up garbage, leaflets, communion cups, etc. from the floor/carpets, chairs, behind the chairs, etc.

2. Vacuum all carpet areas in the main hall, including the Main Sanctuary, lobby and door areas and passage way leading to downstairs (all carpet areas).

3. Sweep floor areas in the Main Sanctuary.

[Baby Room & Sunday School Room]

1. Sweep and mop floor.

2. Clean up and pick up garbage.


[Fellowship Hall]

1. Fold all chairs and place on top of tables.

2. Sweep and mop floors.

3. Clean up, pick up garbage and dump garbage bags.

[Sunday School Room]

1. Sweep and mop floors.

2. Clean up and pick up garbage.

[Passage Way]

1. Sweep and mop floors.

2. Water Station cleaning:

(i) Clean coffee/tea pots

(ii) Clean and tidy up snacks, etc.

3. Attention: Ensure that sluice is safely closed.


Under construction, no cleaning is necessary for the time being, however, the area should be kept tidy and clean.

[Toilets] – Two (2) upstairs and two (2) downstairs

1. Check toilets and ensure that there are enough toilet papers and toilet bowls are not blocked.

2. Clean up surrounding areas of the toilet bowls and stains on the floor.

3. Clean up any dust on the window sills.

4. Dump all garage into the large trash can.

5. Mop floors.

[Trash Cans]

1. Pour all garbage into black garbage bags and place into trash can outside.

2. Finally, place large trash can on the roadside in front of the Church (to be collected by the garbage man on Monday).


Mops and brooms can be found in the living room downstairs or the Sunday School Room storage area.

After you have finished using them, please return them to the original place.

Every month end, please wash the mops and sun-dry them in the backyard.