奉献方式 Methods of Donations







  • 注册网上银行(或移动银行)
  • 选择“帐单付款”或“发送付款”
  • 添加恩城基督教见证教堂(Englewood Christian Testimony Church)(尽管系统可能会切断某些字母,但请使用尽可能多的字符)。
  • 安排一次或一系列定期验证。
  • 某些银行系统可能会提示您输入“帐号”。对于公用事业账单,您需要输入公用事业账单帐号。对于ECTC,只需输入您自己的名字作为帐号即可。
  • 某些银行系统可能会提示您提供备忘录,该备忘录可以是您希望传达的任何信息。

Zelle 支付 (QuickPay)

请用“ zelle@ectcnj.org”作为收件人。 另请在备注字段中注明您的完整纳税申报单的名称和地址,否则我们将无法在纳税年度结束时追踪您的奉献。


有关如何通过电汇捐款的说明,请通过ectcnj@gmail.com与我们联系。 如有需要,会每年发出奉献收据。


有关如何通过安全奉献的说明,请通过ectcnj@gmail.com与我们联系。 将发出一封信函,确认已收到股票,共同基金或债券,并注明特定证券的名称,给出的日期以及每种证券的数量。 将不指定证券/奉献的价值。


如果出于税收目的需要收据,请将该捐赠报告给负责该特定区域(即建筑,教学,食品)的负责人,然后由其向Alex Chou提交请求。 将发出一封信件,确认已收到该物品以及捐赠的简短说明。 这封信将注明捐赠的数量,但不会注明捐赠的市场价值。
The following is guidance on how to donate to ECTC. It focuses on the various methods available, not on the amount nor the percentage.


Donations of currencies and coins (US denominations) may be placed in the offering bin. Use of an envelope is optional. However, if you wish to obtain an annual donation receipt, please put the fund within an envelope and write your name and address on the outside. A donation receipt will be issued annually.


Donations of paper checks may be either dropped into the offering bin or mailed to the church. Delivered mails are placed by the US Postal Services into a locked mailbox. A donation receipt will be issued annually.

Online Banking Bill Pay

Many banks offer a free service called “Bill Pay”. It is generally used to pay bills, invoices, and send money to friends. It can also be used to send donations in the form of a bank-issued paper check. Besides being free, it saves you an envelope and stamps. Delivered mails are placed by the US Postal Services into a locked mailbox. A donation receipt will be issued annually. The direction for bill pay differs from bank to bank. However, in general:
  • Enroll for online banking (or mobile bank)
  • Select either “bill pay” or “send payment”
  • Add Englewood Christian Testimony Church (please use as many characters as possible, although the system might cut off some of the letters).
  • Schedule either a one-time or a series of recurring checks.
  • Some bank systems may prompt for an “account number”. For utility bills, you would put your utility bill account number. For ECTC, just put your own name as the account number.
  • Some bank systems may prompt for a memo, which could be any message you wish to convey.

Zelle (QuickPay) Payment

To use Zelle Payment (Or Quick Pay), please use “zelle@ectcnj.org” as the recipient. Please also note your full tax return name and address in the memo field for tax receipt purposes. If you do not indicate your full tax return name, we will not be able to trace your donations at the end of the tax year.

Wire Transfers

For instructions on how to donate via wire transfers, please contact us at ectcnj@gmail.com. A donation receipt will be issued annually if so desired.


For instructions on how to donate via security, please contact us at ectcnj@gmail.com. A letter will be issued confirming receipt of the stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, stating the name of the specific security, the date given, and the quantity of each security. The value of the securities / donation will not be specified.

Good or Materials

If a receipt is desired for tax purposes, please report the donation to a Responsible Brother in charge of the particular area (i.e., construction, teaching, food), who will then submit a request to Alex Chou. A letter will be issued confirming receipt of the item(s), and a brief description of the donation. The letter will state the quantity, but not the fair market value of the donation.

Help 帮助

For your convenience, here are some sample Bill Instructions/为方便起见,以下是一些示例说明:
● Citibank Bill Pay/花旗银行帐单支付

● Chase Bill Pay/大通银行账单支付

● Bank of America/美国银行