關於我們 About Us

我們是一群本來在貝郡基督徒證主教會(BCTC) 聚會的弟兄姊妹。在神的帶領下,為了主耶穌基督國度的拓展和祂見證的延伸,並且為了讓下一代年輕的基督徒可以被神更多地使用和模造,教會差派我們往東植堂。神讓我們看到大紐約地區靠哈德遜河一帶有很多屬靈的需要,於是在祂奇妙的帶領和預備下,我們帶著 BCTC 眾弟兄姊妹在主裡滿滿的祝福和無私的奉獻,來到了這個祂在Englewood所預備的會所,從主後2018年9月16日開始了主裡的聚集。
We are a group of brothers and sisters, who originally gathered in Bergen Christian Testimony Church (BCTC) in Wyckoff, NJ. Under the leadership and guidance of God, for the purposes of expanding and extending the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His Testimony and allowing our next generation Christians to be further used and molded by our Lord, BCTC has sent us eastward in Church planting. God enables us to see many spiritual needs in the Greater New York areas by the Hudson River. As a result, under His amazing leadership and preparation, we brought with us abundant blessings and selfless offerings from our brothers and sisters in Bergen Christian Testimony Church and arrived at this Sanctuary that He has prepared for us in Englewood, where we began our first worship and gathering in The Lord from September 16, 2018.